Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Week and Next

Last week included a surprise visit from my sister and brother-in-law who were in the area for a doctor's appointment. As usual on Wednesday I went to the church for our sewing group. On Thursday morning I had an interview for a job at our city library, then went to Publix for groceries. Saturday was a birthday party for a friend who was turning 90. Today of course was Sunday School and Church.

This was not a typical week, and that was fine with me. I like a bit of a change occasionally.

The coming week sees Vacation Bible School at the church in the evenings. I have been doing a bit of sewing for one of the craft projects the kids will be working on.  I have a bit more to do, but should be well in time for tomorrow evening.

The interviewer at the Library promised to let me know about the job at the first of the week. If I get the position or not, it will affect what happens the rest of the week. There's no sewing because of VBS. I wonder what else might happen?

1 comment:

  1. I will miss VBS this year as the timing is bad. I always do the games and have offered to help the volunteer for this year adjust them for our age groups and location. So far, no takers.
    I sure do wish I were getting a library job. I love ORDER.
