Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Binding Nearly Completed

It's been a long haul, but the new binding on the Double Wedding Ring Quilt is nearly complete.  I was reminded again today as I sewed binding on one of the quilts completed by our Wednesday Morning Sewing
Group that I really like the newish clips I bought for this, among other purposes.  Before, when I have been doing the binding on quilts, I tried to take great care in pinning to try to reduce the chance of scratching myself in the process.  The clips eliminate that problem and hold the binding really well.  I have also used these clips when sewing bags and purses together and there are several interfaced layers and piping and maybe batting needing to be sewn together.

The last major jobs to be done are the hanging sleeve and a combination pocket/label for the back that will give a bit of the quilt's history so far, and document the repairs made.

I have a question for all of you reading my post.  I know that some friends and family read these blogs regularly.  I am also aware of a whole batch of other people who read them from various parts of the world. It would be great to know who you are.  Would you please leave me a comment? All you need to do is list where you live, why you came to my blog. You could make other comments if you like. No need to write more than a few words. Please feel free to use the option to comment anonymously if you like.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!


  1. So, 9 people have visited this blog post so far. One has Google +1 ed it, but, no one has left a comment.

  2. Well, you know that I read your posts each time they come up ... and I have done so ever since you began. I miss you!

  3. Several of my really good friends have reported that they are unable to leave comments here. Anyone have an idea why this happens?

  4. Hi Georgia,
    I am trying to leave a message on the blog as you suggested (not using my bookmark). So far, the "path" to the comment section has been different. The comment section is in a window. I also have to type some letters to prove I am not a robot.

    If it works, I entered

    Here goes!


  5. Looks like it worked!


  6. I re-entered
    left my comment and typed in the letters/word as requested. When I was using the bookmark, the letters never came into the process.

    Thanks for sharing your process of restoring grandma's quilt with me and all the people who read your blog. Can't wait to see it when I return to Florida in January.

    take care,

